Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let Freedom Ring

4th of July is my favorite holiday I think (Ryan said I say that about every holiday) but I really think the 4th is my favorite.  I love the breakfasts in the morning, parade, carnival, baseball games, bbq's, family, and fireworks.  I just love it.  I also love that we can celebrate our freedom....oh my goodness, this is a side note from my post but I have to share it:

The other day my Uncle Joe was driving through the subdivision and saw Jayden, my 9 year old nephew, jump off his bike and put his hand over his heart.  Joe stopped and asked Jayden what he was doing.  We live by HAFB and so when they play the national anthem we can hear it.  Jayden said he heard the music start playing and was paying respect to our country. haha it's even funnier if you know Jayden.  He is a the most boyish boy I know and to picture him doing this on the side of the street when no one is around cracks me up!

Anyway, back to my post: Here are some pictures of our 4th of July celebration this year:

perfect timing :)
Ryan and I were called to the Stake Float Committee and helped make this float

Also we had our annual Slip'n'Slide party at the cabin:


add finally spending time with the horses

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I love all your photos you take, you take good ones!! Looks like you enjoyed the 4th...I think it's one of my favorites too!