Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DrUm RoLL pLeAsE!!!

RyAN AnD I hAvE dEciDed to BikE to St. GeOrge fRom OuR hOuSe!

In Young Women's a couple weeks ago there was a story about one of the 70's, Ben Banks, having the tradition with his family to ride their bikes each summer to a different location, Lake Powell, St. George, Strawberry, etc.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about how cool it would be to accomplish something like that!  Here is the link to his talk,   The Value of Preparation

I was nervous to ask Ryan because he is pretty practical and I thought he would think it would be a crazy idea...he did think it was crazy but he was all for it! :)  I'm so excited. 

Yes, some of you bikers are probably thinking we are going to die!  We are so out of shape!  Ryan and I went for a bike ride on Sunday and we had his sister, Erin, drop us off at the top of the hill so we wouldn't have to go up it! haha  But we are determined!  We have found some really great paths around to start going each night.  We are going to take a couple saturdays and do longer rides to help prepare.  We have the goal to go to Provo by the end of September: I've mapped that route out and it's approx 75 miles!!  We decided to bike there and just stay in a hotel for fun.  We would like to go to St. George before the end of the year.  Wish us luck!!


harmony marie said...

Ooooh that sounds fun! I lvoe biking...there are some serious bikers in our ward...i've been searching for a road bike forever...good luck.

The Dalton's said...

Holy camoli!! That's a crazy goal!! But I love it! Good luck with the preparation! Brad and I only have one bike...but if we find another one we'll come join you on your evening bike rides :)

Crystal Noel Perry said...

Dang...my butt hurts just thinking about it. :) But shoot, if anyone could do that it's totally YOU and Ryan. :) Good luck!

Jackie said...

HOLY COW, you're nuts! But I'd so be right there if I had the body and time for it! I think you two could definitely accomplish this, with no problem. My only question is what if your tire goes flat?? Do you just pack extra tires?? Good luck, I think I'd attach some comfy foam to my seat. :)

Heather, how do you get your blog to look so dang cute??!! You really need to share your secrets with me!

Love Fam said...

You two are amazing!! If you need some roadies to come by and give you water we can!! ha ha.

Love Fam said...

ps. I keep stealing pictures from your blog, you take way better pictures than me!! Hope you don't mind!

Miss Crystal said...

Wow! That's intense! Good luck! I'm scared of just taking an hour cycling class at the gym...