Monday, February 22, 2010

"Crap" happens, but it's to help us grow!

Ryan and I had some lift tickets for Jackson Hole Resort that we needed to use up before the end of this year so we went up and stayed the weekend. It was beautiful weather!! The snowboarding was awesome! We really had a good time. We stayed in the same little cabins we stayed in for our honeymoon which brought back some fun memories.

On the way home we were driving near Star Valley and we went to pass this car because they were going really slow. When we tried to pass them they sped up and weren't letting us get over and eventually a car started to come in the other direction. Finally we got over and didn't think anything of it other than the guy driving the car not letting us get over was a FREAK! Then after about 10 minutes we got into town and when it became two lanes this Freak man darted at us with his car and was screaming out of his window at us. He screamed, "Get out of the car" but we weren't stupid!! I immediately started dialing 911 because I've never seen anyone that angry before. It was like he had the intent to kill us. By now we are in the median and he starts getting out of the car. Ryan guns it to get away from him now that he was out of the car. He comes right at us and hits our window and it this point (I was on hold on 911!!) I was scared to my wits end. Ryan said I started saying all the bad words in the book, but I don't remember. I just remember saying, you are going to pay for that and he said, "No I'm not, I've already called the cops on you!" and I said, "What the freak do you think they are going to say when they see you busted out our window??? You are a freak!" and he said, "You know I am" and got in his car and was holding his hand. We were both in shock and don't really remember what happened after that. The 911 lady finally came on the line and couldn't understand me because I couldn't stop crying and she yelled at me to stop...which made it worse!!! Anyway, the cops can't find him and we didn't get his license plate. If anyone sees a really nice black infinity in Star Valley get his license plate and stay FAR FAR AWAY! We had to pay for the window out of our pocket because the deductible was $1000.

This picture shows the blood from his hand right by my window, that is how close he got to me...there is more blood inside down on the door!

That night I was fine, but the next day I was a WRECK! I couldn't get a hold of myself. His face will probably run through mind a lot for a while. I wish I could describe it better, he was just so angry. I am so glad we are okay.


Ben and Michelle said...

Heather I am so glad you guys are ok too. What a scary experience. I could totally imagine this freakish man in my mind. Sorry you had to go through that.

derek said...

Holy smokes...DNA Test? Maybe he was a registered psychopath!

Jackie said...

Wow, Heather that's scary!! The way the world is turning these days, you can't trust ANYONE! Anytime I'm out alone shopping or whatever and a man passes by me on my way to my car I'm always nervous...isn't that sad? I'm SOOO sorry you experienced that! What a pyscho! I'm SOOO glad you are ok!!
Yeah I was thinking DNA test too...but I'm sure you'd have to pay for that as well.

Brittney said...

Holy cow!! That's insane. I'm glad you guys are okay. And I would've been freaking out too- and would still be. Wow! That's so crazy!!

Jamie said...

What a freak! And I can't believe he was able to break your window! I'm so sorry!

The Dalton's said...

Super crazy, Heather!! I can't believe someone would be that mean (and stupid).

Devin & Kailie said...

Oh my gosh that's scary! I'm glad you're ok!

Cute Family said...

I am sorry that happened! But at least Jackson was beautiful!!! I need to still pick up my vinyl from you. I am glad you guys are okay!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness! What a crazy man. That's so sad that you had to experience that. Geez, he must have been having a really bad day or something. Hope you can get his face out of your head!! :(... On a happier note. The pictures of you and Ryan are way cute, looks like you guys had a fun time (besides your encounter with the psyco guy!).

Swaner Family said...

HOLY CRAP!!! I can't believe this! What a nightmare! What kind of freak does this kind of thing?! Glad you guys are ok. Bummer about paying for the window though.

Swaner Family said...

That is Star Valley for you. There's nothing better for the public to do than take the law into their own hands. They probably sit of the front porch with a shotgun. Can you say Deliverance.


Sher said...

Holy cow that is INSANE! I wish you'd gotten his license plate or his name or something, so we could all harrass him and prank call him in the middle of the night.
I've had crazy road rage people drive slow and not let me pass,but nothing like this!
so glad you guys weren't hurt.

EJ said...