First let's start with something positive. Ryan and I haven't gone on a vacation all summer long, because Summers are his busy time. We decided to still go up to the Graze River by Jackson Hole with my family even if it meant driving up at midnight. We got up there at 1:00 in the morning and it was well worth it. It is beautiful up there.

Like Grandpa like grandson (notice the boots and pant legs)
Now for the house update...not so positive. I've heard the last part takes the most time...I think I'm having a mental breakdown. In fact, I had a break down at the dump the other day: So we have a dump trailer parked on the side of our house so that the construction workers can put the building scraps in and any other garbage around. Well, the trailer was chuck full and it was my responsibility to go and dump it at the dump....My dad had church meetings and my lovely husband works all the time (which I'm not complaining about). Anyway, I borrow my dad's truck and go try to hook up the trailer. After trying to back it up to the trailer for 20 minutes, my electrician was probably laughing hysterically inside as I failed each time. He finally came out and helped. We got it hooked up. Then my dad warned me that if I didn't put a cover on the trailer they would "send you to jail". After 30 more minutes I finally rigged a tarp on top the was a sight to be seen. It was hardly a cover, pieces were sticking out everywhere.
Finally, I was on the road. I had sweat dripping off my forehead and had said every swear word in the book. I get to the dump and the lady said, "Okay mam, just pull it up onto the dirt." I pull forward and see acres of dirt....where in the Hell was I supposed to go. I pull down a road and start hearing horns and I look over and see 3 ginormous tractors and men now I am on the verge of the breakdown. I pull the trailer around and jump out next to a guy. I hit the ground in my flip flops and sink in GARBAGE!!!
I completely LoSe it! I look at the guy and start bawling and say:"I am standing in SHIT and my husband is working and no one has helped me. Girls aren't supposed to do crap like this." You should have saw the look on his face. He said, "Mam, don't cry, please don't cry." He told me to back the trailer up. I asked him to please do it and he said, "We really aren't supposed to do this for anyone, but I'm going to hurry and get in and do everything for you, just DON'T tell anyone." Oh my gosh it was embarrasing. He was a garbage angel sent from God.
Now for the house update...not so positive. I've heard the last part takes the most time...I think I'm having a mental breakdown. In fact, I had a break down at the dump the other day: So we have a dump trailer parked on the side of our house so that the construction workers can put the building scraps in and any other garbage around. Well, the trailer was chuck full and it was my responsibility to go and dump it at the dump....My dad had church meetings and my lovely husband works all the time (which I'm not complaining about). Anyway, I borrow my dad's truck and go try to hook up the trailer. After trying to back it up to the trailer for 20 minutes, my electrician was probably laughing hysterically inside as I failed each time. He finally came out and helped. We got it hooked up. Then my dad warned me that if I didn't put a cover on the trailer they would "send you to jail". After 30 more minutes I finally rigged a tarp on top the was a sight to be seen. It was hardly a cover, pieces were sticking out everywhere.
Finally, I was on the road. I had sweat dripping off my forehead and had said every swear word in the book. I get to the dump and the lady said, "Okay mam, just pull it up onto the dirt." I pull forward and see acres of dirt....where in the Hell was I supposed to go. I pull down a road and start hearing horns and I look over and see 3 ginormous tractors and men now I am on the verge of the breakdown. I pull the trailer around and jump out next to a guy. I hit the ground in my flip flops and sink in GARBAGE!!!
I completely LoSe it! I look at the guy and start bawling and say:"I am standing in SHIT and my husband is working and no one has helped me. Girls aren't supposed to do crap like this." You should have saw the look on his face. He said, "Mam, don't cry, please don't cry." He told me to back the trailer up. I asked him to please do it and he said, "We really aren't supposed to do this for anyone, but I'm going to hurry and get in and do everything for you, just DON'T tell anyone." Oh my gosh it was embarrasing. He was a garbage angel sent from God.
Oh I feel so bad for you! I had to take loads to the dump and it was no fun. I always got weird looks from workers because I had the hardest time backing up and it took me forever to unload all the crap. It sounds like you're ready for your house to be done. :) It seems like the last part takes forever and it can be exhausting. You should take a break from your house and we'll take a break from our kids and go out!
OH MY GOSH! That was the most tragic yet funny thing I've ever heard! The way you describe everything is just hilarious. :) But, I would have done the same EXACT thing....swearing, crying, break on and so forth. I totally feel ya.
Heather you are awesome! Hopefully you don't have to do that again or next time is much easier!
Heather! I'm so sorry! That doesn't no sound like a fun experience!! I hope your summer gets better!! What does Ryan do? We really need to get together so we can catch up!!
I LOVE THIS STORY!! John and I were laughing for awhile about it after you called me!! :) I would have cried too...but for the strange guy to say a line like "mam, please don't cry" is just hilarious!
Sorry about the house, I hope things get moving along! Let me know if you need help!
Oh my gosh Heather! That sounded like a very terrible day! I would have been so confused too! But seriously..thank you for posting it! lol I really enjoyed reading it, Devin and I had quite a laugh :) love ya lol
Haha, I feel we are kindred spirits. My experience wasn't quite so terrible. . .Go girl go.
I still can see Moms face turning purple from laughing so hard when you told this story to us. Funny stuff
Heather--- This story is actually a perfect fit for you. Who would Heather be without stories of garbage, doorbell ditching and hiding under trailers, almost sinking the wave runner chasing a boat full of boys, etc.... It's a great fun life with Heather.
Heather you crack me up! I saw your comment about going to the zoo on hollys...if only I would have known...I would have let you even borrow one of my kids, so you wouldn't have felt out of place with us at the zoo! You seriously crack me up, I am sorry about all the grabage, but the story was deffinately entertaining, and I hope you are laughing about it now! I am excited to see the new house though!
Heather only you... or me LOL well you handled it a lot better then I would have I bet I would have had a real mental breakdown if I jumped into a pile of that I would have been screaming and crying and would have had to have someone hose me down before I could get into any car to get home to shower then I would have thrown everything away but ya know I am OCD like that :)
ok that was hilarious!!! (this is joni)
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