My sister is the best sister in the world. She let me go into the delivery room with her new little baby. I have a really weak stomach so I didn't watch. I just stood by Natalie and watched from her view. Oh my gosh. If I can give birth as easy as Natalie did, I would do it tomorrow. It was NOT like the movies. They just came in and said, wow Natalie, this little boy wants to come out. Her doctor was super amazing and funny. They just said push a couple times and Natalie didn't even make a noise. When I first saw little Otis he had so much hair!!! Which is weird for Love babies. The funny thing was, they took him to clean him off and he all of the sudden I felt something wet on my foot. Otis was peeing on me. The nurse covered him up and moved the towel again...Otis peed on me again!!! The doctor said he was very "Pee-Od" at his aunt. It was really neat to watch Natalie and Aaron hold him for the first time. While we were waiting for Natalie to start her doctor saw my camera and asked if he could play with it. I guess he does photography on the side for fun. He taught me a couple things, because I know nothing about it. I thought I would try the setting he put it at. I took Alex and Ryan and made them sit still for a minute. By the time I did Ryan's pictures, it was a little too dark.
wow! those pictures are amazing! Is that at Grandma ruth's house? I don't know why I never thought of havng pictures taken there before. Thanks for the idea.
and I seriously can't believe how great natalie looks right after having a baby. She's like the poster child for child birth.
That's so exciting you got to be in there! I think birth is AMAZING! Congrats to your sister! Oh and nice professional photos! :) I loved them!!!
wow! those pictures are amazing! Is that at Grandma ruth's house? I don't know why I never thought of havng pictures taken there before.
Thanks for the idea.
and I seriously can't believe how great natalie looks right after having a baby. She's like the poster child for child birth.
FUN! Those pictures are pretty good lookin!
I love the pics you took! Especially the first two...those are so freakin' cute!
I look so tierd. I love the pics of Alex.
I love the pictures!! You'll have to show me some tricks to picture taking.
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