Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Ryan and I went on a cruise for my graduation. It was so fun. It was our first big trip alone (besides our honeymoon to Jackson Hole). It went to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Dominican Republic, and Bahamas.First we flew into Florida and had to stay in a hotel. We did priceline.com which is amazing! We got the sweetest room for like $50! It had a huge king size bed, big flat screen tv, office area, living room area, and awesome bathroom. We would have just stayed there the whole week!
The first dress up night
Our first stop was Puerto Rico. The ship dropped us off at night. It was so quaint! We loved it. We just walked to the fort and watched the sunset. It was probably my favorite stop. St. Thomas:
This was our lease favorite spot. The taxis were so outrageous! We thought it was just a rip off to even get off the ship. I think the total we spent was about $70 in taxi fees on just this island. It was still pretty cool. We snorkeled on a beach called Coki Beach. We saw some pretty neat fish.
Dominican Repubic:
This was such a fun place! We were sick of the last island's taxi fees so we decided just to walk around. All of the sudden a local came and said: "Hello, my name is Tony, how can I assist you." Ryan asked if we could rent a moto. Tony then took us across the plaza to this street where his friends were on little p.o.s. motorbikes. He talked to them in spanish and then translated to us the deal he was about to give us. He said that his friend would let us rent his motorbike for the day for $10 and he and another guy would ride a motorbike with us to take us on a tour all day. It was seriously soooo Fun! Ryan and I were laughing so hard because we were on this tiny motorbike that would get stuck in the same gear and get really loud. Then it started raining and we were driving down this huge road with pot holes! Cars would drive up right next to you almost pushing you off the road. We are lucky to be alive. Then Tony took us to a beach and stole a necklace from a store for a gift for me from him. It was just the perfect culture experience.
Right when we were about down with the island Ryan got stung by a bee right under his eye. We decided just to call it a day!
The Bahamas:
By the time we got to this island, we were pooped. We decided just to find a beach and layout and snorkel.
Our dinner group:
Our dinner group was so much fun! Sue and Sally were sisters and for their Christmas presents to each other they bought a cruise for each other and left their kids and husbands home. They were hilarious. Then we had Elmer and Jessica. They were lots of fun too.


Sher said...

I'm jealous! C and I have been to a lot of fun places, but we've never been on a cruise together. Hopefully someday soon. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Sorry about Ryan's bee sting.
Oh, and Congrats on your graduation!

Jackie said...

Ummmm...can I say JEALOUS!! I wish I had money! :) Looks like you guys had tons of fun! I hope one day I might make it on a cruise....but I better not hold my breath!
Poor Ryan..I've only been stung once, but it was not fun!

Natalie said...

you look so good. Skinny minnie!

Cute Family said...

Jon wants to know what part of the Dominican you were in. He laughed when he read the moto story. Thats how it always was when he was there.

Shelley and Nate said...

It sounds like you guys had a great time too. I love your pictures. I want to see the rest of them. You should bring them with you to the cabin for girls night. Do you guys have a computer up there?