Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party

The party at our house

This weekend was full of Halloween Parties!!!! On Friday we went to the annual party at Erin and Jake's house. Erin is so amazing at throwing parties. She decorates so cute and is just the little miss Martha Stewart (in a good way). Anyway we had so much fun. Then on Saturday my friends asked me to do a Halloween party at my house. It was so much fun. Ryan and I went as Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda. It was hilarious (Just look at the pictures). We won both nights for the best costume. You can't see it in the pictures (because I don't want my butt on the Internet!) I was wearing a thong leotard.

Brandon and Kresta as Homer and Marge Simpson

Kory and Kira as a Mexican and border control

Jane Fonda and Richard Simmons

Jackie and John as "Peace and Quiet"


Love Fam said...

OMG, the pictures are great! I am gonna have to steal them from your site! You guys were great!!!

Jackie said...

Your pictures are great, thanks for the party it was a great time! I don't know if I'll ever paint my face again for halloween...but it was fun!
You and Ryan are hilarious!

BMK3 said...

your costumes are so great! i love them, freakin hilarious!!

Sher said...

How fun! I can't believe your costumes! You are a brave woman! And you look awesome!

Sher said...

p.s. I didn't know you guys were living at Grandma Ruth's house.

Nick and Stacey said...

So funny I was hoping you would post these pictures I read about it on Krestas Blog! You are Hilarious!

Jessica said...

Those are the best costumes! They crack me up! Looks like your party was so much fun. We were sad we couldn't make it. We need to get together soon!