Thursday, September 25, 2008

4th Game...

I got this idea from my cousin Camille's blog, Go to your "my pictures" and open the 4th folder and upload the 4th picture. This was my 4th picture. This is what came up, I'm sorry it's way gross.

This was like 4 days before my mission. I went snowboarding one last time (on a Sunday to say the least) before I left. I went on a rail and someone had gone before me and wrecked on the landing. When I saw the person sitting on the landing, I had no choice but to jump off the rail to miss him...I jumped head first. I almost broke my nose.


Sher said...

And look at you all smiles! It looks like it hurts, and your posing for the camera!

Nick and Stacey said...

You are crazy! Only you would have a picture like that, and still be smiling through it all! That is crazy, I cannot believe that happened to you!

Natalie said...

Sinner! Just kidding, I really was thinking "thata girl" I wish I could snowboard as good my baby sister.

Jackie said...

I wish I had all the guts you have! I'm too afraid to even strap a snowboard to my feet! :) You crazy girl!

NICHOLS said...

On the Sabbath.....Heather!! Ha Ha. Actually that is a great picture. You should re-teach me how to board some day. Good job!

Love Fam said...

Why don't I remember that at all??? Holy Cow you crazy woman! I miss our good ol' snowboarding days!!

Barney Family Blog said...

Snowboarding on Sunday.. Heather!!! J/K!! I wish I could even ride a rail!! You rock!! I love that your all smiles with your bloody nose.