Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We went to Mexico with our friends this month and it was a BLAST!!

Fun things that happened:(bummer but we had two cameras and one of my cameras pictures got deleted;(

I had my first alcohol drink! We got to our hotel that night and they handed us all drinks and I was drinking it when Wendy asked if it had alcohol and they said "Yes"!
We stayed in a cool resort

I forgot some special "products" and paid $10 at the resort for one box, but decided that was a rip off so we went to Wal-Mart to buy some more and I wanted to steal this motorcycle that was just sitting there outside.

We rode lots of trolleys around the resort
Dave grew some boobs...
Ryan pulled me on a cart
We raced in a taxi cab down the freeway going about 110 mph! I was scared for my life, but Ryan enjoyed every moment of it!
We had some great company:
Ryan was happy about the free drinks...all you wanted (just to alcohol)
The topless women were hilarious on the beach
We went to Tulum, an ancient Myan site (don't mind my retarted glasses! They look like the glasses you get when your eyes get dilated!)

We went out to eat for dinner night and got dressed up

We laughed a ton
Went snorkeling


Brittney said...

Fun! I'm very jealous!

Devin & Kailie said...

Looks like a blast!! And from what I can see on here so far, your house is very cute!

Natalie said...

You look so beautiful in all those pictures.

Jackie said...

I missed this post somehow! WOW Heather it looks like you guys really had a blast...just wish I could have joined ya! ;) Your pictures are always so funny! You guys really know how to have fun!

Jackie said...

I just read Natalie's comment and remembered that I was going to comment on your cute clothes! You always have the cutest clothes, and you always look good in them!