I didn't take any pictures Christmas Eve or Christmas day but my brother Aaron took pics on Christmas Eve snowboarding. It used to be tradition that us kids would go skiing on Christmas Eve but we haven't done it in years. we decided to start it up again this year. It was sooo much fun with all the kids. Everyone came except for Ryan. He was at home really sick...is that rude of me to leave him? Krew did awesome snowboarding for the first time. He got a picture taken by the wolf mascott but they haven't sent it to me yet (nordic was going to send it to my e-mail). Emma skied for the first time and was a natural! Natalie talked me into doing the missle. We also talked Jayden in to doing it on his skis: HiLArioUS!!! He got all the way to the end and his legs spread apart and he did the splits!

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