Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by my mission daughter-Rita... Here are my answers...

Four Shows I Watch:
1. Biggest Loser
2. The Office
3. The news
4. The simpsons

Four Things I'm Passionate About:
1. My Family
2. My Religion
3. Horses
4. Snowboarding

Four Phrases I Say A Lot:
1. "Are you serious???"
2."What time are you going to be home?"
3. "Human Resources, this is Heather"
4. "Can we go to Alaska???"

Four Things I've Learned from the Past:
1. Don't be a stressball.
2. Take time to enjoy the moment.
3. This too shall pass
4. Don't judge

Four Places I Would Like to Go:
1. Alaska
2. Africa
3. Switzerland
4. Scotland

Four Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Went to my grandparents 80th birthday party
2. Went and saw my counselor Larry and he told me to keep trying to not give a damn about the things I can't control
3. Paid $681 to the hospital for a stupid Cat Scan
4. Laughed and cried

Four Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. Seeing President Monson at Weber State's Graduation...hopefully he goes through the tunnel I'm helping with.
2. Horse back riding weather
3. Getting my yard
4. Hopefully having a baby soon

Four Things I Love about Winter:
1. Snowboarding
2. Sledding
3. The cocoa motion
4. Our Jackson Hole trips...hopefully it will continue

Four Things on My Wish List:
1. Traveling around the world...mostly Alaska
2. Ranch house with horse property
3. A family
4. To be good at the piano

Four People I tag:
1. Kresta
2. Jackie
3. Holly
4. Erin


EJ said...

now...i don't know if you meant to tag me or other erin. so until further clarified...i'm going to save answering these. love ya girl. oh...i have some questions for you...about the bc. (i'll explain later.)

Cute Family said...

Thanks, that was harder than I thought. I stole a few of your answers!

EJ said...

hahaha. that is funny. i didn't even realize i didn't change it. just copied and pasted. but hey...to have to same wishes as you is not a bad thing. you are like the coolest sister anyone could ever ask for!