I've finally decided to go to a private blog. I have had a couple people comment on my posts that I don't know who they are. It's kinda freakin me out. If you want access to my blog, let me know your e-mail address and I can add you to the list. You can either add a comment and leave your e-mail or send me an e-mail with your e-mail. My e-mail is hetz4444@yahoo.com
Add me please! :) bertstanger3@yahoo.com
I wanna be added...I always think about going private.
I'm sorry that's happened to you. Add me please: CrystalleD@hotmail.com
edna4life@gmail.com Like the address? :)
me too!tylerandkristen@yahoo.com
Us please!
Ok, first off I thought you were freakin' pregnant when I saw the clip (I hadn't read it yet, I just saw the picture). I seriously was freaking out (on campus, nonetheless...) hahahahahahahha Anyway, I wanna stalk you still so my email is tanjerine24@yahoo.com
Add me for sure!! krestalove@yahoo.com
Hi Heather, please add me you probaly did'nt know I was even reading your blog... you two are super cute couple and enjoy reading.. my email is pennyhendu@hotmail.com also my blog is pennyhendu.bolgspot. Thanks
I'm thinking of doing the same. Add me: shasta71484@hotmail.com
me please :) keithmandy@gmail.com
Add me please! dmswaner@yahoo.com
peta.palick@gmail.com :)
Hey! I want to read! kailiemj@hotmail.com
Add me please! It's mandi from old singles ward mandi.bear@gmail.com
erjlove@gmail.com thanks yo!!
Welcome to the private club..add us please! ky.benoit@yahoo.com
include me, please.
add your momma
add your momma
So I know it's funny because we're really "blog friends" but I'd love to still see what's going in your and Ryan's life. You guys are so cute...and your posts are so funny (you totally write like you talk).
Thanks girlie!
Of course: meldrumstacey@msn.com
Add us!
PS I like the ultrasound comic....
is it an announcement?
We'd love to be added! It's so fun to keep up with all our old Nauvoo friends! Thanks! martin and mary hassell (mebhassell@gmail.com)
I thought I already posted but I don't see my comment so. Please invite us :) jamiej403@gmail.com.
And I'm sorry we missed Ry's party :( It looked like tons of fun though!
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