One day my sister'n'law, Erin, and I decided we wanted to get into shape so we signed up for a 1/2 marathon to force us to start running....I don't know what I was thinking. My Aunt Jaydene did my taxes and wouldn't take any payment so I paid for her to also join us. We also got my cousins Robb and Crystal to run too. It was really hard getting ready for it, but it was so worth it. We stayed at the Love's cabin up in Bear Lake and woke up early and got dropped off in the middle of no where and had to wait FoReVEr until someone came and started the race.
Natalie making the signs with Lizzy and Maddi
Holy Cow, So impressive! Why is it that everyone seems to be doing I the only person too lazy? Sigh, I just don't like running..bleh. Good Job. One day I'll feel ambitious.
WOW Heather, good for you!! Why is it impossilbe for me to exercise?? You are so thin!!!! What an accomplishment!
Way to go Heather! Watch out.....Its addicting!! Hey I need your email to send you the info for the photo workshop I am taking. She is holding one in august also. Get me your email, and I will send you the link!
I'm so glad you did that race, I think it inspired Liz to start running.
Whoop whoop!! You go girl!
I'm so stinkin proud of you guys! Let's do another one this summer together!!!
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