Monday, February 2, 2009

New Years Eve

Ryan and I went up to Powder Mountain to snowboard until midnight on New Years Eve. It was so much fun. Kory and Kira went with us and Ryan's brothers and sister were up there too! Powder mountain supplied glow sticks and princess crowns for us to wear. They also provided dinner. It was so much fun. At midnight we were up on top of the mountain and watched the fireworks going off at Nordic Ski Resort. We also watched Nordic turn out all of their lights as all the skiers held lights and skied down in a big line. It was so awesome!


Jackie said...

Sounds like a great time and perhaps a new years tradition! ;) Until you have babies anyway.ha ha

Devin & Kailie said...

That sounds so cool and fun! Cold though!!

NICHOLS said...

You guys are always doing fun stuff. Good for you, maybe you could invite us once in awhile so we can say we are cool! Or not!!! Cute pictures!