Tuesday, May 19, 2009

House Update

We finally got the outside of the house framed and the roof started.  Today is the 4-way inspection and after that we can start the outside stuff and the inside stuff.  So far we have our bathtubs, electrical, and heating all done.  I think the next part is going to be fun, because we will actually start seeing the finished product! Yeah! We are so excited.  

This is what our cabinet colors are going to be: 


BMK3 said...

Wow! This looks so nice! Where is it at?

Jackie said...

WoW! Heather that looks so good! I'm excited for you, I need to drive by and see the progress.

Devin & Kailie said...

WOW THAT SO EXCITING!!! I LOVE your kitchen!! You should def have a party when it's all done! :)

The Dalton's said...

YEA!! That's so exciting!